Engineers at ‘Lund’ a Swedish University are working on an innovative engine technology called HCCI or ‘Homogenous Charge Compression Ignition System’ and they claim that this process will cut the fuel consumption by almost half without affecting efficiency or performance of the subjected engine.
American president is concerned about emissions produced from tractor trailers in the USA, as this is the biggest freight source in the country as it uses massive diesel engines. He recently proposed to increase fuel efficiency of these engines. The Swedish University may have solution for this problem and they might help the truckers in USA in order to improve fuel economy. The Lund University has built a prototype and now an experimental engine with a transformed technology that promise to reduce emissions and increase fuel economies beyond anything used today.
HCCI engines unite elements of charge spark ignition and charge compression ignition. Fuel is taken into the engine cylinder and mixed with air but before being ignited by a spark plug, the blend is brought up to heat by compression, up to the point where it combusts unaided. When engines brought under the control of HCCI system, they will lower down the levels of nitric oxide emissions to a significant stage.
Partially premixed combustion (PPC) technique was applied in a controlled environment on a single cylinder petrol engine but its real essence is to work on a diesel engine.
The PPC concept will deliver optimum fuel economy and utmost efficiency because of minimum fuel wastage in the ignition process. Several big brands in the world such as, GM, Mercedes-Benz, VW and Japanese automaker Honda have all conduct researches on their engines with HCCI technology but they haven’t implemented the technology into their passenger cars or even. If this engine can demonstrate its spirit as a heavy duty motor, then haulers may see a rebellion in combustion engines, and that possibly will come sooner to our own cars than we can imagine.